Posted on 1 April 2014 | 1:02 pm
My first time was rather spectacular. It was my elderly year of senior high school and I understood I was gay for rather some time yet had yet to say anything since I was afraid of the embarrassment. I had constantly had a dream of making love in the storage cazzo locker site little did I know it would certainly additionally coincide spot where I would not just shed my cherry however also where I discovered how much I liked sex. I suspect I should inform you about myself my name is Jake. I am 18, 6 foot high and in very decent shape you could simply see my leading collection of abs and I consider 165 pounds. I have dirty blonde hair and a 7 inch uncut cock.
I am from a small town so we had to share sport groups with a neighboring town. It was football period and I was a protective end. I had constantly had a crush on one of the running backs his name was mike. He has to do with 6 foot high and in better form than I was and he analyzed about 170 pounds. he is 18 also. He had brownish hair and blue eyes you can shed yourself in for days. I had actually never ever seen his cock hard yet but when I could sneak a peek at him in the shower I can see his big reduced dangling balls and his dick had to do with five inches soft. He was from the bordering community so we knew each various other yet we didn’t hang out a lot and didn’t have much alike.
So the football field was the only area I had the ability to see him the most. And since he was on crime and I was on protection I would certainly try my best to tackle him when he had the round just so I could possibly reach feel his muscular tissues and get a whiff of him. He scented like a mix of sweat and perfume, where he was using in the day. It enchanted me and I would always have to manage myself so I didn’t get hard on the field.
About half method with the period we shed a huge game to rivals and we were all very upset. The trainer intended to speak to me after the game so I went right to his office just before changing and bathing. After the meeting I went to the cazzo locker room and most of the people were all gone currently. There had to do with ten individuals just leaving the showers and drying off so I grabbed a towel and attacked the shower myself.
As I was lathering up I listened to the last couple guys chatting on their escape. After a number of mins I listened to the door open once more however didn’t hear any individual so I merely kept bathing and minding my own business, after that every one of the unexpected there was a practical my shoulder I leapt and turned around to see mike. He had shorts and a tee t shirt on. I asked him exactly what the fuck he was doing because he scared the shit out of me. He smiled and shared he needed to talk to me. I stated well shit man can not it wait I’m showering. He grinned once more and shared no, which’s when he stated it.
“I know he have been examining me out.”.
I considered him and said just what the screw are you discussing. Yet in my thoughts I was panicking, was it that obvious, just how lengthy did he know, is he mad, did he mention to any individual. He grinned again sharing I have seen you take a look at my cock each time we shower. He claimed I merely stare at it with a glazed over search in my eyes. Then I could possibly feel my face turn beat red as I overlooked at the flooring. He then grabbed my chin and made me consider his eyes which were additional dreamy compared to ever before and he claimed it’s alright I’m not visiting inform anybody but you have to do something for me. I looked at him and asked just what I needed to doing this he wouldn’t inform any person.
He grinned once more and continued to inform me his partner cracked up with him at the beginning of the academic year and he had not made love considering that. Which I located hard to believe, since he was stunning. I stated ok well just what does that have to do with me. He looked at me and shared if I provided him a blowjob he would certainly forget the whole point which was it. I didn’t claim anything assuming it was a method to shame me, however after that he stated come on I understand you would like to. I told him I had actually never ever done anything sex-related just before and I didn’t know if I would be any sort of great. He smiled once more and shared he would certainly assist me out with that.
So I switched off the bath and followed him to the cazzo locker area. It was a quite open room with benches facing all the cazzo lockers which was it. He sat down on the bench right facing his storage locker and took his tee shirt off showing his abs and his brown prize track that vanished in to his shorts. I got down on my knees before him and began to pull his shorts off. Below his shorts he had some navy blue Calvin Klein briefs on that clung tight to his thighs and out lined his soft penis. I proceeded to draw those down also, very worried because I was not sure if I was visiting be good or what I was visiting do.
His briefs hit the floor around his ankles and I got his soft cut cock I began to stroke it gradually attempting to get him hard and then it started to expand. His penis grew to a minimum of 8 inches and it was quite thick. I searched for at him and he just smiled once more and I put the suggestion into my mouth. It tasted salty but pleasant at the same time. I started to inch my means down then when I was half method I began to gag on it and backed away off. So after that I began to lick up and down his shaft then began to lick his balls I preceded to pop one in to my mouth and he blurted a soft groan.
That made me feel a lot better so I licked my way back up his shaft and placed the head back into my mouth. He placed his practical the rear of my head and I continued to inch my way down. I got half means once more and started to gag however this moment I was a bit more identified and slide the rest of it to the back of my neck. My nose pushed against his efficiently shaven pubic location and I was in paradise. He let out an additional soft moan and began to move his hips backwards and forwards slowly I went up and he began to mouth screw me. It began slow and afterwards picked up speed.
After that his dick tensed and began to gamble larger he blurted a loud moan and fired his lots in to the rear of my neck. I strangled on his cum but took care of to swallow it all, his penis started to get soft and he drew it out of my mouth, as he pulled it out some cum landed on my tongue and I got to try his man juice it was harsh but tasted incredible. He stood took his shorts up put his tshirt on and left. I was still on my knees with a throbbing boner. Still in shock I muffled the bench and defeat my cock till I cam, which didn’t take long because I was so turned on, I cam all over the floor rubbed it up and place my clothing on and went home.
Everything was regular after that for the following week I experienced the movements of the week still confused about exactly what happened. That Friday we succeeded the football game and this time around while we were commemorating en route to the cazzo locker site mike walked up to me and quietly stated I have to talk to you so be the last one in the shower once more. My thoughts began to wonder about exactly what he wanted now and wishing he desired much more. So I slowly slipped off making sure to take my time, I got into the shower and took as long as I could, everybody else was in and out rather quick as they would like to go celebrate the triumph. I was the just one in the closet room once again so I left of the shower and saw mike standing there nude and still sweaty from the game, he hadn’t even showered yet and my dick jerked.
There he was ass naked with a smile on his face. I browsed to make sure no person else was there, and afterwards back at him. I asked him what this had to do with considering that I currently serviced him recently like he asked. He walked over to me and shared he assumed he required greater than simply a strike task to keep my key. I considered him confused and asked just what he suggested. After that he turned me around and smacked my ass just before I even knew what took place, he chuckled a little while he claimed I want a piece of that ass. And at the end of that sentence I got an on-the-spot boner. I turned around and explored his outstanding eyes and claimed are you sure.
He grinned and shared I declare after that blowjob, fucking that ass is all I have been thinking about. I was so thrilled I lunged forward and kissed him he appeared stunned however then unwinded and began to move his tongue around in my mouth. I took away and started to kiss my means down his neck and to his breast I started to pinch among his nipple areas and suck on the other he began groaning so I switched over nipples, after a bit I licked my means down his abs, down his treasure track to his balls I started pulling on them and he started to obtain erect. I moved my means up his shaft and popped the head in to my mouth and began to move my way down it.
I blew him for a couple of minutes, it was a great deal easier this time, after that he extracted and said he intended to save his tons for my ass. I stood up and kissed him again for a two mins and then he transformed me around and started to scrub my ass. I angled over and claimed you are going to fifty percent to consume me bent on get me prepared. He checked out me and I stated that he would certainly half to do it. So he came down on his knees behind me and grabbed my ass and drew my checks apart. Then absolutely nothing took place for a two seconds then he plunged in, his tongue struck my pink opening and I agonized, it was something I had actually never ever felt prior to and it was fantastic.
He started to probe my opening with among his fingers he popped it in and I flinched it harmed a little bit yet I loosened up and he penetrated his finger in and out slowly then accelerated after that he placed one more finger in and I flinched once again it harmed a bit more but I relaxed and it started to feel much better after that he stopped and began to push me over to the benches I angled over them and he placed his fingers back in and kept loosing me up after a couple a lot more mins he took them back out. I might really feel the heat from his cock as he got behind me I heard him spit on his hand and rub it on his penis.
He got my shoulder and started to push his penis in to my tight gap and it hurt like hell, it seemed like needles were puncturing me. I yelped suffering and he quit up until I loosened up and he got about an additional inch in and it hurt again, not as bad yet more than enough to make me howl once more. He quit however not as long and he kept entering till I could possibly feel his balls on my butt. He after that took almost all the method but left the head in making me feel empty inside but after that he gradually pushed back in and loaded me up. The discomfort was going away and this overwhelming enjoyment came over me and I discharge a groan of pleasure.
He took this as a sign and picked up his rate this made the pleasure even better I was groaning so load it was echoing in the closet room and I was screaming for him to fuck me harder, HARDER, HARDER and to keep going quicker. He accelerated and his balls began to put on my butt then he rammed in as far as he can and blurt a loud groan. I can feel his cum striking my ins and afterwards I cam around the bench and I hadn’t even touched my penis yet. He remained hidden deep inside of me and slowly went soft and took out. He kissed me on the back of the neck and shared thank you.
He encountered the shower and I fell down on the bench. I laid there for a two mins after that acquired a wonderful idea. I stood up and encountered to bath and there he was experiencing the wall I ran up behind him and got his penis and whispered in to his ear prepared for round two?
Hope you enjoyed, if you liked it and wish additional permit me know.
Posted on 13 February 2014 | 10:26 pm
Alexander was at the observation tower when he noticed a cute guy taking a sunbath in the corn-field. He sneaked in itself and jerked while watching the guy. Then he began to touch him all over…
Posted on 9 July 2013 | 5:09 pm
Heavy rain started. The Rebels bring their prisoner to an old factory. There they slowly take off his trousers. They make him suck and spank him well. Then they start to gang-fuck the cute boy in many different positions.
Posted on 9 July 2013 | 5:08 pm
The young prisoner is tied to the table. He has to suck his master and he gets deep-throated. Then his ass gets dildo-fucked. The helpless guy is almost crying a the pain seems unbearable. Then he gets fucked, doggy-style.
Posted on 9 July 2013 | 5:05 pm
Jose was on his way to his work in a fast food restaurant. When two Rebels saw the handsome guy they didn`t hesitate long. They tied him to a tree, undressed and kissed him. He had to suck them and to lick their sweaty soldier-holes.
Posted on 18 June 2013 | 6:44 pm
The helpless reporter finds himself tied and on a table. The horny soldier fucks him mercilessly. He told him that he would only stop if he sees his hard-on. So the reporter obeys and tries to show his pretended lust as a final act of humiliation.
Posted on 7 June 2013 | 12:18 am
Posted on 3 June 2013 | 10:41 pm
Posted on 19 November 2010 | 6:14 pm
Posted on 13 November 2010 | 1:06 am
Posted on 6 November 2010 | 3:02 am
Posted on 30 October 2010 | 4:03 am
Posted on 23 October 2010 | 4:11 am
Posted on 16 October 2010 | 4:02 am